APN Settings

We have listed some of the common APN settings below for you to use with your  3G / 4G Router.

If none of these standard APN settings work for your SIM card then you will need to contact your SIM card provider for your APN settings as we will be unable to provide these.

Please note that if you are using a Fixed IP SIM Card then your Fixed IP SIM provider will provide you with their own APN settings and you should not use the common APN settings below.

4G APN Settings

Everything Everywhere / EE 4G APN

APN : everywhere
User Name : Leave Blank
Password : Leave Blank


APN : everywhere
User Name : eesecure
Password : secure


O2 4G APN Settings

APN : idata.o2.co.uk
User Name : vertigo
Password : password

APN : mobile.o2.co.uk
User Name : o2web
Password : password

Vodafone 4G APN Settings

For many years Vodafone just used internet as their APN for all mobile data connections

APN : internet
User Name : Leave Blank
Password : Leave Blank

But recently they have started to use different APN settings for their mobile data SIM cards

For contract SIM cards try:-

APN : wap.vodafone.co.uk
Try with user name and password blank if not try user name and password of web/web or wap / wap

And for Pay As You Go Vodafone SIM cards try:-

APN : pp.vodafone.co.uk
Try with user name and password blank if not try user name and password of web/web or wap / wap

3G APN Settings

O2 APN Settings

Here are the details of the most common O2 3G Mobile Broadband APN Settings


APN : mobile.o2.co.uk
User Name : mobileweb
Password : password

APN : mobile.o2.co.uk
User Name: vertigo
Password : password


APN : payandgo.o2.co.uk
User Name: vertigo
Password : password

APN : payandgo.o2.co.uk
User Name: payandgo
Password : password

You could also try the APN without user name and password.

Vodafone APN Settings

Here are the most common APN settings for Vodafone 3G Mobile Broadband SIM Cards


APN : internet
User Name : Leave Blank (if this does not work then try user name and password as web)
Password : Leave Blank

PAYG / Pre Pay

APN : pp.vodafone.co.uk
User Name : web
Password : web


T Mobile APN Settings

APN: general.t-mobile.uk
Username: user
Password: pass

You could also try

APN: general.t-mobile.uk
Username: [Leave Blank]
Password: [Leave Blank]


3 Mobile APN Settings

Here are the details of the most common 3 mobile 3G Mobile Broadband APN Settings

APN : three.co.uk
User Name : Leave Blank
Password : Leave Blank

If you are going to use DYNDNS then by using the following APN setting Three mobile should allocate you with a Public IP Address.

APN : 3internet
User Name : Leave Blank
Password : Leave Blank

Orange APN Settings

Here are the details of the most common Orange mobile 3G Mobile Broadband APN Settings

APN : orangeinternet
User Name : Leave Blank
Password : Leave Blank

If you are going to use DYNDNS then by using the following APN setting Orange should allocate you with a Public IP Address.

APN : internetvpn
User Name : Leave Blank
Password : Leave Blank


Unlimited Data Fixed IP SIM Cards

We are often asked if there is such a thing as an unlimited data fixed IP SIM card because many users see the cheap unlimited data SIM cards from 3mobile for example, costing just £20-30 per month, but when comparing this to a Fixed IP SIM Card which can cost £30 per month for just 5GB of monthly traffic it can seem that the idea of an unlimited data SIM with a Public IP address would be a great solution to prevent overage costs (typically £15.00 per GB) when using a Fixed IP SIM.

APN Settings for eSIM Router

An eSIM router will not need to be configured with any APN settings as the router itself will be activated directly by the eSIM network provider.

APN Settings for 5G Routers

If you have a 5G Router and 5G SIM and need to know the APN settings then these will be provided by your 5G SIM network provider.